Training philosophy of Alfred Ressenig
"The holistic approach for successfully practicing modern Product Management determines my training concept. It aims at making participants familiar with three major success factors:
- Glue customer orientation with entrepreneurial thinking and acting
- Be proficient in the particular tasks and methods of Product Management
- Convince and win with a strong personality
Training participants receive a balanced mixture of theory, practical exercises, working on own cases and best practice sharing. Active participation is required and is the key to achieve the optimum learning results. We devote sufficient time for answering of questions and all sorts of discussions. At the end of a training participants will see Product Management in a new light and will be eager to apply the new skills."
The human factor
Modern companies apply agile methods. Product development is done by small, interdisciplinary teams with Product Managers steering the teams. Here, the human factor gets into the picture. Team members need targets, direction, information and feedback which the Product Manager is expected to deliver. Product Managers make team members eager to walk the extra mile for an outstanding result - in the interest of customers and the interest of the own company.
This means that technical subject matter excellence combined with a sound set of soft skills are required for Product Managers to be successful in our demanding and permanently changing business environment.